Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No chicken, just the egg

Every vegan I know will best me with tofu-fueled wit as to why it's hypocritical to eat eggs but not chicken. So be it. I try my best to get the most natural eggs possible. Someday I would love to have a small coop. As of now, however, I buy them from someone else  and pay a little extra for this crucial protein source. Eggs are versatile, relatively cheap, and delicious.

Cost analysis:
Farmers market, free range, vegetarian (the BEST) = $5.00 (this varies widely, based on where you live)

At $5 a dozen, that puts each egg under $0.50 each. 

Besides the obvious scrambled, fried, and poached, eggs increase your recipe potential (see Flour post).

One recipe that has become a standby is the poached egg on pasta.
1. Cook pasta.
2. Poach an egg.
3. Put the egg on top of the pasta.
4. Include any other parmesan, vegetables, and pesto.
5. Break the yolk, and instant, rich sauce.

You can put a fried or poached egg on pizza...

Adding a poached or fried egg will always raise the net worth of any meal.

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