Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nutritional Yeast

I'm surprised I haven't talked about nutritional yeast yet. It's a wonderful, delicious source of protein. 

What exactly is nutritional yeast? Deactivated yeast, usually sold as yellow flakes. What does it look like? This...

Ok, it's not much to look at. Especially compared to previous snaps of my fresh garden vegetables. But it's a humble ingredient that I recommend keeping a jar of around.

What is the nutritional value? It is a source of protein and vitamins, especially the B-complex vitamins, and is a complete protein. (thank you Wikipedia)

What can one do with nutritional yeast? Well...

Sprinkle on popcorn.
Use in lieu of Parmesan cheese. 
Add to vegetarian soups, broths, and sauces to add richness.
Sprinkle on any salad, stirfry, or sauteed vegetables to add protein.

In bulk, nutritional yeast costs approximately $9 a pound. Since it's about as light as a feather, $5 of nutritional yeast will last me a month. Nutritional yeast is available at any health food store, and most major grocery stores now as well. Of course, you can always find it online. Although I prefer to buy in bulk, Bragg is a great, reliable brand. (Later I can talk about Bragg apple cider vinegar, and Bragg liquid aminos)

Although I'm not an expert vegan cook, nutritional yeast is often used in vegan cooking. Such as Vegan Mac & Cheese!

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